What Should I Avoid Eating?
While in braces, you should avoid any hard, sticky, chewy foods. You will get a full list of ideas of what those foods would be when getting your braces to take home with you. If you have any specific question about a certain food to eat or not, please feel free to call the office and we can let you know if it is ok or not.
How Do I Keep Up With My Oral Hygiene?
While having braces, brushing and flossing are even more important to keep up with. After getting the braces at the first appointment, we will give you a braces survival kit that will include different ways of flossing and how to do them. If oral hygiene is slacking, Dr. Toppi and the assistants will notice and be able to help with tips and tricks on how to improve.
Any Soreness or Pain?
During the orthodontic treatment, there should be no pain. If there is any pain, please call the office to make an appointment so we can try to make the patient comfortable and ease the pain. In the meantime, using the dental wax we give to you will help subside any irritation until we are able to see you in office. Soreness is pretty common when getting braces due to teeth slowly moving over time. The most sore you will be will be after the first appointment getting the braces on. We like to compare it to a sore muscle, it doesn't hurt but it just feels weak for a few days then gets better. After that first appointment there shouldn't be anything wrong. A little tight feeling after an adjustment is completely normal, we even want it to feel tight and secure.
How Do I Use Dental Wax On My Braces?
What Do I Do If My Bracket Came Off/Loose Or My Wire is Poking/Came Out?
Not a problem! No need to fret, it can happen from time to time even when doing everything right. Feel free to call our office to make an appointment to come in sooner rather than later to fix the problem. We will always try to accommodate your personal schedule, but sometimes we only have a few spots during the day for emergency appointments that can fill up quickly. If it isn't bothersome, and you already have a upcoming appointment soon, then we will just fix the issue at the next scheduled appointment.